Trenque Lauquen

Trenque Lauquen – Part 2

A film by Laura Citarella. In Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine – Teil2] [Trailer]

Laura Citarella makes a poignant and whim­si­cal ent­ry into the ranks of New Argentine cine­ma with her latest, expan­si­ve­ly nar­ra­ted fea­ture TRENQUE LAQUEN. Fans of Argentine direc­tors such as Mariano Llínas and Alejo Moguillansky, who share the film’s screen­wri­ting and editing cre­dits respec­tively, will reco­gni­ze the cha­rac­te­ristic rich­ly mean­de­ring sto­rytel­ling, which draws on mul­ti­ple quir­ky cha­rac­ters and a healt­hy dose of meta-humor and self-iro­ny. In Part I, Laura (Laura Paredes, who co-wro­te the script), the film’s prot­ago­nist, goes miss­ing, sen­ding her prag­ma­tic jil­ted boy­fri­end and her stone-faced, yet infi­ni­te­ly sen­si­ti­ve co-worker on a quest to find her. Laura is a woman of two-pron­ged pas­si­ons: a dedi­ca­ted plant rese­ar­cher, she beco­mes ent­ran­ced with a sto­ry of a high­ly ero­tic and tor­men­ted love affair bet­ween a young fema­le bio­lo­gist and a mar­ried man. TRENQUE LAQUEN I takes view­ers on a jour­ney through the epony­mous pro­vin­cial muni­ci­pa­li­ty sou­thwest of Buenos Aires, during which ordi­na­ry land­scapes, under­sta­ted pit­s­tops and situa­tions are tur­ned into the sta­ti­ons of an engros­sing mys­tery. At its heart lies the human year­ning for the extra­or­di­na­ry: an exis­ten­ti­al dis­co­very plot that could fore­ver chan­ge our lives. (Ela Bittencourt)


AR/DE 2022, Teil 1: 128 Min./Teil 2: 132 Min., span. OmU,
Regie: Laura Citarella
Kamera: Agustín Mendilaharzu, Inés Duacastella, Yarará Rodriguez,
Schnitt: Miguel de Zuviría, Alejo Moguillansky,
mit Laura Paredes, Ezequiel Pierri, Rafael Spregelburd, Elisa Carricajo, Juliana Muras, Verónica Llinás, Cecilia Rainero u. a.

TRENQUE LAUQUEN – ein Film von Laura Citarella
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