

A film by Maria Binder. In Kurdish and Turkish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Lawyer and acti­vist Eren Keskin has advo­ca­ted for the rights of women, mino­ri­ties and LGBTIQ in Turkey for over 30 years – not allo­wing hers­elf to be deter­red by the con­stant risk of being jai­led. The direc­tor has fol­lo­wed Keskin over many years. Her film draws a por­trait of a fearless women and her batt­le against oppres­si­on and vio­lence. Emre Koca


DE 2023, 95 Min., kur­disch, türk. OmU
Regie: Maria Binder
Kamera: Meryem Yavuz
Schnitt: Angelika Levi

EREN | Documentary by Maria Binder | Official Trailer
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