Eine moralische Entscheidung

A film by Vahid Jalilvand,  In Farsi with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In the tried and tes­ted tra­di­ti­on of Iranian art­house cine­ma (think of the work of Abbas Kiarostami and Asghar Farhadi), direc­tor and co-wri­ter Vahid Jalilvand gra­du­al­ly con­fronts the view­er with a moral dilem­ma. It’s undoub­ted­ly about the con­trast bet­ween good and evil, but that doesn’t make it imme­dia­te­ly clear what the best cour­se of action is.
A usual­ly strict coro­ner finds the body of an acquain­tance in the mor­tua­ry. His col­le­ague has alre­a­dy deter­mi­ned the cau­se of death, but he has ano­ther pos­si­ble expl­ana­ti­on. However, to reve­al the truth would mean beco­ming per­so­nal­ly invol­ved in the case. Moreover, it could have unjust con­se­quen­ces for tho­se involved.
Jalilvand uses a blea­ched colour palet­te, lea­ves ple­nty of room for his natu­ra­li­sti­cal­ly acting prot­ago­nists and builds the ten­si­on gra­du­al­ly with more and more new com­pli­ca­ti­ons. Best Film and Best Actor (Amir Aghaee) pri­ze­win­ner in the Orizzonti pro­gram­me at the Venice Film Festival.


Bedoone tarikh, bedoo­ne emza 
IR 2017, 100 Min., Farsi OmU 
Regie: Vahid Jalilvand 
Kamera: Peyman Shadmanfar 
Schnitt: Vahid Jalilvand, Sepehr Vakili 
mit: Navid Mohammadzadeh, Amir Agha’ee, Hediyeh Tehrani, Zakiyeh Behbahani


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Im Kino in Farsi mit deut­schen Untertitlen.