Die Verachtung – Le Mépris

A film by Jean-Luc Godard. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] [indie­ki­no club]

A 1963 French New Wave dra­ma film writ­ten and direc­ted by Jean-Luc Godard, based on the 1954 Italian novel Il disprez­zo (A Ghost at Noon) by Alberto Moravia.[6] It stars Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Jack Palance, and Giorgia Moll.

Paul Javal, a young French play­w­right who has found com­mer­cial suc­cess in Rome, accepts an offer from vul­gar American pro­du­cer Jeremy Prokosch to rework the script for German direc­tor Fritz Lang’s screen adapt­a­ti­on of the Odyssey.

Paul’s wife, Camille Javal, joins him on the first day of the pro­ject at Cinecittà. As the first dis­cus­sions are com­ple­ted, Prokosch invi­tes the crew to join him at his vil­la, offe­ring Camille a ride in his two-seat sports­car. Camille looks to Paul to decli­ne the offer, but he sub­mis­si­ve­ly with­draws to fol­low by taxi, lea­ving Camille and Prokosch alo­ne. Paul does not catch up with them until 30 minu­tes later, explai­ning that he was delay­ed by a traf­fic acci­dent. Camille grows unea­sy, secret­ly doubting his hones­ty and suspec­ting that he is using her to cement his ties with Prokosch. Her mis­gi­vings are heigh­ten­ed when she sees Paul gro­pe Prokosch’s secre­ta­ry, Francesca. Back at their apart­ment, Paul and Camille dis­cuss the subt­le unea­si­ness that has come bet­ween them in the first few hours of the pro­ject, and Camille sud­den­ly announ­ces to her bewil­de­red hus­band that she no lon­ger loves him.



FR. 1963, 105 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: J.-L. Godard
Kamera: Raoul Coutart
mit: Michel Piccoli, Brigitte Bardot, Jack Palance, Fritz Lang, Francesca Vanini, Georgia Moll

DIE VERACHTUNGLE MÉPRIS | Trailer / Deutsch | Jean-Luc Godard | ARTHAUS
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