Die außergewöhnliche Reise der Celeste Garcia

a film by Arturo Infante. In Spanish with German subtitles.

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A com­pas­sio­na­te and can­did woman with an end­less curio­si­ty for life, Celeste (Maria Isabel Diaz) is a reti­red and wido­wed tea­cher living a tran­quil, unad­ven­tur­ous exis­tence in Havana. Her part-time job at the pla­ne­ta­ri­um keeps her busy, but she goes home to a care­less adult son who igno­res her, and her sel­fi­sh sis­ter visits only when she is loo­king for some­thing. One day, the govern­ment announ­ces the sur­pri­sing news that ali­ens have been living on Earth and that the­se unu­su­al guests are now retur­ning the favour by invi­ting humans to their world. Celeste had always thought that her “Russian” neigh­bour Pauline was eccen­tric — she now rea­li­zes her fri­end was tru­ly from ano­ther pla­net. While peo­p­le rush to put their names for­ward to be sel­ec­ted in an extra­ter­restri­al lot­tery, Celeste dis­co­vers that Pauline has left her a per­so­nal invi­ta­ti­on. To everyone’s sur­pri­se, she agrees to accept.


OT: El Viaje Extraordinario de Celeste Garcia
CU/DE 2018, 92 Min., Span. OmU
Regie & Buch: Arturo Infante
Darsteller: Maria Isabel Diaz, Omar Franco, Nestor Jimenez, Yerlin Perez, Tamara Castellanos, Veronica Diaz, Roberto Espinosa

Trailer „Celeste Garcia”
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