Der perfekte Chef

A film by Fernando León de Aranoa. In Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The Good Boss” takes place in and around the Blancos Básculas fac­to­ry, whe­re all things must be in balan­ce at all times. After all, they manu­fac­tu­re sca­les of all shapes and sizes. There, the see­mingly bene­vo­lent boss, Bardem’s Blanco, is pre­pa­ring his work­force for an upco­ming inspec­tion by a group visi­ting local busi­nesses to sel­ect one for a pres­ti­gious pri­ze. Tensions begin to mount, howe­ver, when recent­ly fired employee Jose shows up with his two child­ren and beg­ins making demands for the rein­state­ment of his employ­ment. When Blanco’s manage­ment team refu­ses, the employee beg­ins a one man cru­sa­de to dis­credit Blanco and pre­vent him from win­ning the much-cove­ted award.


El buen patrón
ES 2021, 120 Min., span. OmU
Drehbuch und Regie: Fernando León de Aranoa

Schnitt: Vanessa Marimbert
mit: Javier Bardem, Manolo Solo, Almudena Amor, Óscar de la Fuente, Sonia Almarcha
Kamera: Pau Esteve Birba

Der per­fek­te Chef Trailer OmU
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