Das Ende ist erst der Anfang

A Bouli Lanners film. in french with ger­man subtitles.

Esther and Willy are han­di­cap­ped. And in love. And on the run. Perhaps from Gilou and Colise, two bur­ly, beard­ed snoo­pers in the van who are try­ing to get a fix on Willy’s mobi­le pho­ne? Or from the man who calls hims­elf Jesus and has the stig­ma­ta on his hands to pro­ve it? Or from the men from a near­by warehouse who are sear­ching for the per­pe­tra­tor who has vio­la­ted the wife of their boss? And who is the mum­my in the slee­ping bag? Set in a spar­se European land­scape dis­sec­ted by elec­tri­ci­ty pylons and roads, Belgian direc­tor Bouli Lanners’ film is a weird­ly beau­tiful­ly late wes­tern in which roughnecks show their soft side and the fact that two peo­p­le belong tog­e­ther is sym­bo­li­sed by their wea­ring of high-vis jackets. Terseness meets love, vio­lence meets faith. Michael Lonsdale cul­ti­va­tes orchi­ds and the incom­pa­ra­ble Max von Sydow as a priest sings a fare­well song to a corp­se. Lanners, who also plays a lea­ding role, directs with a talent for sur­pri­se and exci­te­ment. The film hides clues about the plot in buil­dings, cars and in the dia­lo­gue. And anyo­ne who thinks they have figu­red out the sto­ry after five minu­tes is wrong.

OT: Les pre­miers, les derniers
Frankreich/Belgien 2016, 98 Min., 

Regie, Buch: Bouli Lanners
Kamera: Jean-Paul de Zaeytijd
Schnitt: Ewin Ryckaert
Albert Dupontel, Bouli Lanners, Suzanne Clément, Michael Lonsdale, David Murgia, Aurore Broutin, Philippe Rebbot

The First the Last / Les Premiers les Derniers (2016) – Trailer (English Subs)

on screen with ger­man subtitles