Das Blau des Kaftans

A film by Maryam Touzani. In Arabic with German subtitles.

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In their fami­ly tail­or shop in the midd­le of a Moroccan old town, Halim and Mina craft cere­mo­ni­al caft­ans. Business is good, but when Mina falls ill and Halim can no lon­ger hand­le the ons­laught of cus­to­mers on his own, the mar­ried cou­ple deci­des to hire an assistant. The pre­sence of the attrac­ti­ve and reser­ved Youssef awa­kens long-sup­pres­sed fee­lings in Halim, which does­n’t go unno­ti­ced by Mina. As the rela­ti­onship bet­ween the two men inten­si­fies, Mina’s health dete­rio­ra­tes dra­sti­cal­ly. After ADAM, direc­tor Maryam Touzani returns to the ZFF with a bit­ters­weet dra­ma. Starring a ter­ri­fic Lubna Azabal, LE BLEU DU CAFTAN is a sen­su­al film about love as the dri­ving force of our existence.


Le Bleu du Caftan
FR/MR/BE/DK 2022
124 Min., arab. OmU
Regie: Maryam Touzani
Kamera: Adil Ayoub
Schnitt: Nicolas Rumpl
mit: Lubna Aznabal, Saleh Bakri, Ayoub Missioui

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