

A film by Matt Johnson. In English, with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Two mis­mat­ched entre­pre­neurs – egg­head inno­va­tor Mike Lazaridis and cut-throat busi­ness­man Jim Balsillie – joi­n­ed forces in an endea­vour that was to beco­me a world­wi­de hit in litt­le more than a deca­de. The device that one of them inven­ted and the other sold was the BlackBerry, an addic­ti­ve mobi­le pho­ne that chan­ged the way the world work­ed, play­ed and com­mu­ni­ca­ted. But just as BlackBerry was rising to new peaks, it also star­ted losing its way through the fog of Smartphone wars, manage­ment inde­cis­i­on and out­side dis­trac­tions, even­tual­ly lea­ding to the break­down of one of the most suc­cessful ven­tures in the histo­ry of the tech and busi­ness worlds.
In his ear­lier works (The Dirties, Operation Avalanche), Matt Johnson has pro­ven how irre­sis­ti­ble an urge it is for cine­as­tes equip­ped with a came­ra to cap­tu­re on film that which seems incre­di­ble, or even impos­si­ble. His are the sto­ries of see­mingly unre­mar­kab­le indi­vi­du­als who are tempt­ed to achie­ve some­thing that nobo­dy else has. Coupled with his own brand of sava­ge humour, Johnson ama­zes us with this sto­ry of two Canadian guys who, in bet­ween movie nights, inven­ted the tool that, for bet­ter or worse, chan­ged our way of doing pret­ty much everything.


CA 2023, 121 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Matt Johnson
Kamera: Jared Raab
Schnitt:Curt Lobb
mit Jay Baruchel, Glenn Howerton, Matt Johnson, Cary Elwes, Saul Rubinek, Michael Ironside, Rich Sommer, Sungwon Cho, Michelle Giroux, Mark Critch



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