Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn

A film by Radu Jude. In Romanian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A video goes viral. It shows a man and a woman having sex while wea­ring masks. The woman is, nevert­hel­ess, iden­ti­fied. Too bad she is a tea­cher and sup­po­sed to be a role model. And this, moreo­ver, in a (post-socia­list but ulti­m­ate­ly any) socie­ty that is about to get lost in a social net­work dis­cour­se of would-be heal­ing sque­aky-clean atti­tu­des, pseu­do-poli­ti­cal kno­wing-it-all, sanc­ti­mo­nious chau­vi­nism and gro­tes­que con­spi­ra­cy theo­ries. Everyone has an opi­ni­on. The deba­te turns into a tri­bu­nal – about con­sen­su­al sex, por­no­gra­phy and more.
Always up for inno­va­ti­ve cine­ma­tic expe­ri­ments, Radu Jude has craf­ted from this con­stel­la­ti­on an intel­li­gent, sati­ri­cal tri­ptych: with its non­cha­lant­ly pre­cise came­ra­work and manic humour found in the stress of ever­y­day life on Bucharest’s streets, the first part shows us what con­tem­po­ra­ry cine­ma at the docu­men­ta­ry-fic­tion inter­face can look like. The second part is an off­beat series of laco­nic, sta­tic images inten­ded as an ency­clo­paed­ia of the sym­bols of our time. The film’s grand – albeit open-ended – fina­le is a dis­cus­sion held at the school in which jud­ge­ment is pas­sed on our heroine’s right to exist.


Babardeală cu bucluc sau por­no balamuc
Rumänien / Luxemburg / Kroatien / Tschechische Republik 2021, 108 Min., rumä­ni­sche OmU
Regie, Buch: Radu Jude
Kamera: Marius Panduru
Schnitt: Cătălin Cristuțiu
mit Katia Pascariu, Claudia Ieremia, Olimpia Mălai, Nicodim Ungureanu, Alexandru Potocean


Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln.

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