
a Film by Jöns Jönsson. In German with English subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Julius is an elo­quent young muse­um atten­dant loved by his fri­ends, col­le­agues and his girl­fri­end. One day he invi­tes his fel­low workers to join him for a sai­ling trip on his aris­to­cra­tic family’s boat. But some­thing goes wrong. Julius is not who he seems to be.
Moritz von Treuenfels is the per­fect choice to embo­dy this char­ming young man whom we glad­ly fol­low at first, only to feel less and less com­for­ta­ble with the con­tra­dic­tions that ari­se from his flu­id approach to life. In this fine­ly writ­ten and direc­ted film about iden­ti­ty and social beha­viour, Jöns Jönsson pushes the idea of “fake it till you make it” to its brea­king point. Julius impres­ses ever­yo­ne with his world­ly know­ledge and free-flowing con­ver­sa­ti­on embo­dy­ing modern ide­als of self-reinven­ti­on. Yet his beha­viou­ral pat­terns are in con­flict with the rules of socie­ty. Unfolding with a fle­xi­bi­li­ty that echo­es that of the prot­ago­nist, Axiom is a fasci­na­ting explo­ra­ti­on of this dis­quie­ting con­tra­dic­tion that is both vis­ce­ral and intellec­tual­ly dizzying.


DE 2021, 113 Min.,
Regie & Buch: Jöns Jönsson
Kamera: Johannes Louis
Schnitt: Stefan Oliveira-Pita
mit: Moritz von Treuenfels, Ricarda Seifried, Thomas Schubert, Zejhun Demirov, Sebastian Klein, Leo Meier, Ines Marie Westernströer

From: Cineuropa
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