Alle wollen geliebt werden

A film by Katharina Woll. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

An incisi­ve psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pro­fi­le that’s fil­led with subt­le ten­si­on but never loses its deli­ca­cy and grace.

Ina is a the­ra­pist, the mother of a rebel­lious teenage girl, and a part­ner to a man who has always put his own care­er first. She puts everyone’s needs ahead of her own until one hot sum­mer day, when her self-cen­te­red mother cele­bra­tes her 70th bir­th­day, some­thing hap­pens that will chan­ge everything.


DE 2022, 80 Min., deut­sche OmeU
Regie: Katharina Woll
Kamera: Matan Radin
Schnitt: Kai Minierski
mit: Anne Ratte-Polle, Lea Drinda, Ulrike Willenbacher, Urs Jucker, Hassan Akkouch

nach obenAlle wollen geliebt werden