fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg… more

now show­ing:

Rohbau A dra­ma cen­te­red around a German con­s­truc­tion mana­ger who works with undo­cu­men­ted workers and an Albanian girl sear­ching for her miss­ing father.
[Tickets & Termine] (am 1.10. mit anschlie­ßen­dem Filmgespräch)

In Korntal, hundreds of child­ren were abu­sed in the homes of the Evangelical Brethren sin­ce the 1950s.
Die Kinder aus Korntal
[Tickets & Termine]

Three years in an ele­men­ta­ry school in Vienna. Ruth Beckemann’s Favoriten
[Tickets & Termine]


Ellbogen tells the sto­ry of a young woman who is pushed out of socie­ty and has to reset the cour­se of her life.
[Tickets & Termine]