fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg… more

now show­ing:

Averroès & Rosa Parks are two psych­ia­tric units at the Esquirol Hospital in Paris. They belong to the same net­work as the “Adamant”, the floa­ting day cli­nic on the river Seine at the heart of Nicolas Philibert’s film Sur l’Adamant, win­ner of the Golden Bear at the 2023 Berlinale.
[Tickets & Termine]

Teddy Jury Award 2024 Berlinale:
Crossing – Auf der Suche nach Tekla
[Tickets & Termine]

A pain­ting by Caspar David Friedrich is to be sto­len from a muse­um:
Verbrannte Erde
[Tickets & Termine]

70 year old widow Mahin falls for cab dri­ver Farmarz and invi­tes him to her home, against all decorum.
Ein klei­nes Stück vom Kuchen
[Tickets & Termine]

A best fri­en­d’s coming out: Am I OK?
[Tickets & Termine]