The fsk cinema is an independent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg… more
→ now showing:
Ellbogen tells the story of a young woman who is pushed out of society and has to reset the course of her life.
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An enthralling documentary about female art in a patriarchal arts scene.
Die Schule der Frauen
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A Film Noir with Russel Crowe: Sleeping Dogs – Manche Lügen sterben nie
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„The first film from Sudan in German cinemas is already a small master piece” Kunst&Film
Goodbye Julia
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Resisting the demolition of Cité Gagarine.
Gagarin – Einmal schwerelos und zurück
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Gross National Happiness and democracy in Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr?
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Teddy Jury Award 2024 Berlinale:
Crossing – Auf der Suche nach Tekla
[Tickets & Termine]