fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent Arthouse-Film-Theatre in Berlin Kreuzberg… more

now show­ing:


Ellbogen tells the sto­ry of a young woman who is pushed out of socie­ty and has to reset the cour­se of her life.
[Tickets & Termine]

An enthr­al­ling docu­men­ta­ry about fema­le art in a patri­ar­chal arts sce­ne.
Die Schule der Frauen
[Tickets & Termine]

A Film Noir with Russel Crowe: Sleeping Dogs – Manche Lügen ster­ben nie
[Tickets & Termine]

Goodbye Julia

The first film from Sudan in German cine­mas is alre­a­dy a small mas­ter pie­ce” Kunst&Film
Goodbye Julia
[Tickets & Termine]

Resisting the demo­li­ti­on of Cité Gagarine.
Gagarin – Einmal schwe­re­los und zurück
[Tickets & Termine]

Gross National Happiness and demo­cra­cy in Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr?
Tickets & Termine]

Teddy Jury Award 2024 Berlinale:
Crossing – Auf der Suche nach Tekla
[Tickets & Termine]