fsk Kino

The fsk cine­ma is an inde­pen­dent art­house theat­re in Berlin Kreuzberg … wei­ter­le­sen

wha­t’s on:

A cats and peo­p­le com­mu­ni­ty in Japan:
Die Katzen vom Gokogu-Schrein
[Tickets & Termine

Nora Fingscheidt’s adapt­a­ti­on of Amy Liptot’s auto­bio­gra­phi­cal best­sel­ler:
The Outrun
[Tickets & Termine

Shambhala by Min Bahadur Bham is Nepal’s can­di­dat for the Oscars. A Himalayas love sto­ry.
[Tickets & Termine

Bruno Dumont’s Sci-Fi at the sea­si­de.
Das Imperium
[Tickets & Termine

Berlinale Best Documentary 2024:
No Other Land
[Tickets & Termine]

Element of Crime in Wenn es dun­kel und kalt wird in Berlin a film by Charly Hübner about a very spe­cial German Band.
[Tickets & Termine]