Showing up

A film by Kelly Reichardt.In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Films about artists and the art life rare­ly grapp­le with the ever­y­day busi­ness of what artists do – or, in their pro­cras­ti­na­ti­on, don’t do. That’s why Kelly Reichardt’s SHOWING UP is such a reve­la­ti­on – and, as a wry depar­tu­re in this writer-director’s care­er, such an out­right plea­su­re.
Reichardt’s films have often been touch­ed with humour, but here she has made an out-and-out come­dy – alt­hough cha­rac­te­risti­cal­ly, a phi­lo­so­phi­cal, laid­back, melan­cho­lic one. It’s set in Portland, Oregon – an endu­ring bas­ti­on of US coun­ter­cul­tu­re – whe­re strugg­ling sculp­tor Lizzy (Michelle Williams) is plan­ning her own show. Committed though she is, she is easi­ly dis­trac­ted by life’s incon­ve­ni­en­ces: her trou­bled brot­her (John Magaro); her cran­ky father (Judd Hirsch) and his freel­oa­ding house guests (a deli­cious comic turn by Amanda Plummer and Matt Malloy); an ego­tis­ti­cal, negli­gent land­la­dy and fel­low artist (Hong Chau); and a pige­on which enters Lizzy’s life at the worst pos­si­ble moment. As taci­turn, tight-wound Lizzy, Reichardt regu­lar Williams shows a who­le new dead­pan comic side to her talent, as the director’s focus on the ordi­na­ry and the uneventful opens up a rich vein of comic nuan­ce and even, at times, joy­ous far­ce. (Jonathan Romney)


US 2022 | 108 Min., engl. OmU
Regie & Schnitt: Kelly Reichardt
Kamera: Christopher Blauvelt
mit: Michelle Williams, Hong Chau, Judd Hirsch, André Benjamin, Heather Lawless, Amanda Plummer

Showing Up | Official Trailer HDA24
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