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Vesper Chronicles

A film by Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper. Starts October 6th at the fsk. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Thirteen-year-old Vesper (Raffiella Chapman) lives on an Earth in which the eco­sys­tem has total­ly col­lap­sed. Inhabiting a dila­pi­da­ted old shack with her bedrid­den father (Richard Brake) – who can com­mu­ni­ca­te through a dro­ne which fol­lows his daugh­ter around – Vesper fora­ges for food in the unwel­co­ming forest whilst also expe­ri­men­ting in her lab. When she dis­co­vers a cra­s­hed ship from the Citadel – a fort­ress for the “gre­at and good” of socie­ty – she finds the uncon­scious body of Camellia (Rosy McEwen). Nursing her back to health, she hopes that this mys­te­rious stran­ger will help them out of their situa­ti­on and allow them to enter the uto­pia of the Citadel. But when neigh­bour Jonas (Eddie Marsan) appears with his own nefa­rious plans, Vesper must find a way to rever­se apocalypse.


LT/FR/BE 2022, 114 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie: Kristina Buozyte, Bruno Samper
Kamera: Feliksas Abrukauskas
Schnitt: Suzanne Fenn
mit: Raffiella Chapman, Eddie Marsan, Rosie McEwen, Richard Brake

Vesper – Official Trailer | HD | IFC Films
Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln
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Nicht VerRecken

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Ein Film von Martin Gressmann.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Immer wei­ter­lau­fen, um mit dem Leben davon­zu­kom­men … Anfang 1945 wer­den über­all dort, wo die Front in die Nähe der Konzentrationslager kommt, Gefangene Richtung Westen getrie­ben. Häftlinge aus den Lagern Sachsenhausen und Ravensbrück müs­sen bis zu 250 Kilometer mar­schie­ren. Anfang Mai wer­den die Überlebenden der Tortur in Raben Steinfeld bei Schwerin, in Ludwigslust, in Plau am See und noch wei­ter nörd­lich von der Roten Armee und der US-Armee befreit.
Über sie­ben Jahrzehnte spä­ter folgt Regisseur Martin Gressmann („Das Gelände“) den Hauptrouten der Todesmärsche durch Brandenburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, an denen heu­te 200 Gedenktafeln ste­hen. In sei­nem Film „Nicht verRecken“ lässt er die letz­ten, heu­te hoch­be­tag­ten Zeugen zu Wort kom­men. Einige von ihnen spre­chen zum ers­ten Mal dar­über. Sie erin­nern sich an ein Grauen, das nicht ver­schwin­det. Wie weit muss man zurück­schau­en, um zu ver­ste­hen, wie stark das Vergangene mit dem Heutigen ver­knüpft ist?
„Martin Gressmann erzählt und ent­deckt Spuren der Grausamkeit des Reichs-Zusammenbruchs, der auf die ent­setz­li­chen Grausamkeiten der Kriegs-Triumphe not­ge­drun­gen fol­gen muss­te. Überall Unvorstellbares, was Menschen, „Häftlinge“ ertru­gen. Beginnende Rechtfertigungsversuche der Nazibonzen ange­sichts der unaus­weich­li­chen Niederlage und der bevor­ste­hen­den Entdeckung ihrer Taten. Tausende von Wandernden durch Brandenburg und Mecklenburg, ohne­hin am Ende der Kräfte, ange­trie­ben von SS-Horden mit Peitschen und Hunden, immer auf Nebenstraßen, mög­lichst unge­se­hen vor­bei an den Dörfern. Wer zurück­blieb bekam den Todesschuss. Wo sie kurz lagern durf­ten, da hat­ten die vor­an­ge­gan­ge­nen Kolonnen bereits das Gras, den Löwenzahn, die Wurzeln ver­tilgt. Völlig anders­ar­tig als die gegen­wär­tig ste­reo­ty­pen Historien-Dokus der Fernsehsender, ganz ohne Musik, lei­se, auf­merk­sam, anteil­neh­mend geht Gressmann die Strecken ent­lang, beob­ach­tet, befragt die noch leben­den einst­ma­li­gen Häftlinge oder die heu­te alten Kinder, die damals die elen­den Vorbeiziehenden gese­hen hat­ten. Er horcht und blickt auf das Detail, gibt acht auf die Topographien und lässt ahnen. Hier erweckt die Sachlichkeit ech­tes Gefühl. So sehen Filme aus, die unei­tel und gedul­dig Wahrheit suchen.“ Dominik Graf


DE 2021, 110 Min.,
Regie & Buch: Martin Gressmann
Kamera: Volker Gläser, Sabine Herpich
Schnitt: Stefan Oliveira-Pita
mit: Simcha Applebaum, Guy Chataigné, Alexander Fried, Karol Gdanietz, Wladimier Wojwodschenko

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A film by Mano Khalil. In Kurdish, Hebrew and Arabic with German subtitles 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A small vil­la­ge on the Syrian-Turkish bor­der in the ear­ly 1980s: The six-year-old Kurdish boy Sero expe­ri­en­ces his first school year in an Arab school and has to watch his small world being radi­cal­ly chan­ged in the cour­se of an absurd natio­na­lism. Humorous yet serious, the film tells of a child­hood that also finds its light moments bet­ween dic­ta­tor­ship and dark drama.


CH/FR 2021, 124 Min., kur­disch, hebrä­isch, ara­bische OmU
Regie & Buch: Mano Khalil
Kamera: Stéphane Kuthy
Schnitt: Thomas Bachmann
mit: Serhed Khalil, Jalal Altawil, Jay Abdo, Zîrek, Heval Naif, Tuna Dwek, Mazen Al Natour

NACHBARN – Trailer OV/df
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A film by Marina Hufnagel. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

An artful explo­ra­ti­on of acti­vism; a smart and time­ly hybrid film about an enti­re gene­ra­ti­on pushing boundaries.

Edda has been over­co­me by solast­al­gia: angu­ish over the des­truc­tion of our pla­net. Seeking refu­ge on the North Frisian island of Pellworm, she meets Sophie, a young far­mer who is suing the German govern­ment for her right to a future, in this artis­tic, ver­a­cious immersi­on in the lives of the Fridays for Future generation.


DE 2022, 72 Min., dt OmeU,
Regie: Marina Hufnagel
Kamera:: Felix Riedelsheimer
Schnitt: Melanie Jilg
mit: Marie Tragoustie, Sophie Backsen

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A film by Jamie Patterson. In English with ger­man subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Justine is a love sto­ry set against the back­drop of Brighton and tra­cked by a vio­lent and puz­zling tale of a young woman’s des­cent into self-des­truc­tion. She meets Rachel and love takes over.


GB 2020, 82 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Jamie Patterson
Kamera: Paul O’Callaghan
Schnitt: David Fricker
mit: Tallulah Rose Haddon, Sophie Reid, Sian Reese-Williams

JUSTINE Official Trailer (2021) Sian Reese Williams
im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln
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Verabredungen mit einem Dichter – Michael Krüger

A film by Frank Wierke. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Michael Krüger was not only one of the most important publishers and lite­ra­ry media­tors in Germany and world­wi­de – first and fore­most he is a poet. We have an appoint­ment in the unof­fi­ci­al spaces whe­re poems and an uncon­ven­tio­nal, fateful life meet. “How a poem is real­ly made? If you knew, no more poems would be crea­ted. That’s very clear to me.”


DE 2022, 91 Min.,
Regie, Kamera und Schnitt: Frank Wierke

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A film by Carolin Schmitz. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Bewildering, amusing, insightful: Anke Engelke acts out eight authen­tic inter­views, assembling them into a gigan­tic mosaic about motherhood.

This film tells of the joy and doubt, the power and power­less­ness, the anger and love invol­ved in mother­hood. It is at its heart a docu­men­ta­ry pro­ject: eight women aged bet­ween 30 and 75 talk about their lives as mothers. What all the­se women have in com­mon is their rea­liza­ti­on that mother­hood is a high­ly ambi­va­lent expe­ri­ence. For the film, the­se docu­men­ta­ry state­ments are brought tog­e­ther visual­ly in the form of a fic­tion­al cha­rac­ter por­tray­ed by Anke Engelke. The actress com­bi­nes the women’s reports into a laco­nic nar­ra­ti­ve about the ever­y­day life of a mother.


DE 2022, 88 Min., deut­sche OmeU
Regie & Buch: Carolin Schmitz
Kamera: Reinhold Vorschneider
Schnitt: Stefan Oliveira-Pita, Annett Kiener
mit: Anke Engelke

MUTTER von Carolin Schmitz mit Anke Engelke // Trailer
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Liebe, D‑Mark und Tod

A film by Cem Kaya. In German Turkish and English with German suntitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The German Federal Republic’s 1961 recruit­ment agree­ment with Turkey not only brought “guest workers” to Germany but also their music. Cem Kaya’s den­se docu­men­ta­ry film essay is a tuto­ri­al in Turkish-German recent histo­ry that tells a tale of assem­bly line jobs, home­sick­ness and fami­ly reuni­fi­ca­ti­on, the bazaar in the ele­va­ted rail­way sta­ti­on at Berlin’s Bülowstraße, xeno­pho­bia and racism, the wistful songs of the ear­ly years and the hip-hop of the post-reuni­fi­ca­ti­on peri­od. These are the sto­ries shared by musi­ci­ans begin­ning with Metin Türköz and Yüksel Özkasap, to the psy­che­de­lic Derdiyoklar and the chart-top­ping rap­per Muhabbet. Their music has evol­ved a long way from that of German bands and has always deve­lo­ped out of the Turkish com­mu­ni­ty and its desi­res. This is the world of Radio Yilmaz, various music cas­set­te labels, pro­test rocker Cem Karaca’s German exi­le, and wed­ding bands that also sing in Kurdish and Arabic to meet the demands of the mar­ket. Extensive archi­val rese­arch and an inte­rest in Turkish popu­lar cul­tu­re are recur­ring the­mes in Cem Kaya’s work. With Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm, he has crea­ted a rhyth­mic and vivid­ly nar­ra­ted cine­ma­tic ency­clo­paed­ia of Turkish music in Germany.


Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm
DE 2022, 96 Min., Türkisch, Deutsch, Englisch OmU
Regie: Cem Kaya
Buch Cem Kaya, Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay
Koautor*in Ufuk Cam
Kamera: Cem Kaya, Mahmoud Belakhel, Julius Dommer, Christian Kochmann
Schnitt: Cem Kaya
mit İsmet Topçu, Ömer Boral, Yüksel Ergin, İhsan Ergin, Metin Türköz, Adnan Türköz, Yüksel Özkasap, Cevdet Yıldırım, Ercan Demirel, Cavidan Ünal, Ata Canani, Cem Karaca, Betin Güneş, Aykut Şahin, Fehiman Uğurdemir, Cengiz Öztunç, Dede Deli, Mustafa Çetinol, Erdal Karayağız, İzzet Nihat Yarsaloğlu, Hatay Engin, Yasin Kıran, Aytaç Kıran, Serdar Saydan, Serkan Kaynarcalı, Rüştü Elmas, Mustafa Deniz, Oktay Vural, Orhan Amuroğlu, Ümit Gücüyener, Sultan Korkmaz, Bekir Karaoğlan, Ümit Çağlar, Ali Ekber Aydoğan, Killa Hakan, Kabus Kerim, Derya Yıldırım, Tümay Koyuncuoğlu, Rossi Pennino, Kutlu Yurtseven, Erci E., Alper Ağa, Boe B., Tahir Çevik, Volkan Türeli, Nellie, Muhabbet, Aziza A., İmran Ayata, Bülent Kullukcu, Ibrahim Ertalay, Ilkay Kökel, Mehmet Yozgut

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Afilm by Blerta Basholli. In Albanian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Fahrije’s hus­band has been con­side­red miss­ing sin­ce the end of the war – like so many other men from her vil­la­ge in rural Kosovo. When she deci­des one day to get her dri­ver­’s licen­se so she can sell her home­ma­de sau­ces in town, she imme­dia­te­ly faces oppo­si­ti­on from her con­ser­va­ti­ve, patri­ar­chal vil­la­ge. Fahrije, howe­ver, is not inti­mi­da­ted and soon other women dare to help her in this revo­lu­tio­na­ry ven­ture. The film, which won three awards at Sundance, tells the sto­ry of a dar­ing woman who, against all the odds, builds a new exis­tence for hers­elf and other women.


XK, CH, AL, MK 2021, 84 Min., alba­ni­sche OmU
Buch & Regie: Blerta Basholli
Kamera: Alex Bloom
Schnitt: Félix Sandri, Enis Saraçimit: Yllka Gashi, Çun Lajçi, Aurita Agushi, Kumrije Hoxha, Adriana Matoshi

HIVE | offi­zi­el­ler deut­scher Trailer | OmU
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Komm mit mir in das Cinema – Die Gregors

A film by Alice Agneskirchner. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The title refers to the epony­mous 1937 poem by Else Lasker-Schüler, in which the poet wri­tes that “what once was: love” can be found at the cine­ma. Two deca­des on from this, it was a love of cine­ma that brought tog­e­ther two peo­p­le who signi­fi­cant­ly expan­ded – today one might say, diver­si­fied – the film histo­ry of post-war Germany, encom­pas­sing both the way films are view­ed as well as the dis­cour­se sur­roun­ding the medi­um: Erika and Ulrich Gregor.
Alice Agneskirchner’s docu­men­ta­ry fol­lows various paths to get right up clo­se to the foun­ders of Arsenal and the International Forum of New Cinema: on the one hand via the eventful life of the cou­ple, who have been mar­ried for over 60 years; on the other via tho­se who have accom­pa­nied them along the way, inclu­ding such pro­mi­nent figu­res as Jutta Brückner, Wim Wenders and Jim Jarmusch. The films of which the Gregors are par­ti­cu­lar­ly fond and to which they gave their full back­ing are also cen­tral, as the duo beco­mes reac­quain­ted with Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah, István Szabó’s Apa and Helke Sander’s Die all­sei­tig redu­zier­te Persönlichkeit – Redupers. This is not only a film about love and cine­ma but also a pie­ce of West German history.


DE 2021, 155 Min.
Regie & Buch: Alice Agneskirchner
Kamera: Jan Kerhart
Schnitt: Silke Botsch
mit Erika Gregor, Ulrich Gregor

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