
A film by Marija Kavtaradze. In Lithuanian with German subtitles.

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It would never have occur­red to the pas­sio­na­te dancer Elena to have a love affair wit­hout sex. But when she falls head over heels in love with sign lan­guage inter­pre­ter Dovydas, the­re is no way around it for the two of them. Because Dovydas is ase­xu­al. Is the emo­tio­nal con­nec­tion bet­ween them strong enough for a hap­py rela­ti­onship in which Dovydas is not sexu­al­ly attrac­ted to Elena? SLOW is a love sto­ry like you’­ve never seen befo­re. Marija Kavtaradze sen­si­tively and authen­ti­cal­ly tells the sto­ry of two peo­p­le who beco­me clo­se wit­hout slee­ping tog­e­ther. This roman­tic dra­ma is car­ri­ed by two cha­ris­ma­tic prot­ago­nists who cap­ti­va­te you from the very beginning.


LT/ES/SE 2023, 108 Min., litaui­sche OmU
Regie: Marija Kavtaradze
Kamera: Laurynas Bareiša
Schnitt: Silvija Vilkaitė
mit: Greta Grinevičiūtė, Kęstutis Cicėnas

SLOW Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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