Roter Himmel

Roter Himmel

A film by Christian Petzold. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Leon and Felix’s plan was to spend the sum­mer tog­e­ther in a holi­day home on the Baltic coast. They wan­ted to be the­re as fri­ends but also to work – one on his second book, the other assembling his art port­fo­lio. But Nadja and Devid are also the­re, and they bring lots of posi­ti­ve vibes with them. Four young peo­p­le expe­ri­men­ting with love, even though this does not come easy to Leon. His unfi­nis­hed manu­script haunts him whe­re­ver he goes, whe­ther he is at the sum­mer­house or the beach. The others’ good mood often cau­ses his to plum­met. A visit from his publisher is immi­nent. But, as the lat­ter arri­ves in his nif­ty small car, the forest beg­ins to bla­ze. It rains ash, the sky turns red, and a rela­ti­onship-dra­ma that mer­ges phy­si­cal inten­si­ty and artis­tic sub­li­ma­ti­on takes a turn into a new dimen­si­on.
This second part of Christian Petzold’s tri­lo­gy begun in 2020 with Undine, is about not being able to sleep and wan­ting to love; about wri­ting and being read; about being in the world and yet pos­si­bly allo­wing life to slip by. A film that is sus­pen­ded bet­ween sym­bo­lism and rea­lism, both fun­ny and deep­ly tragic.

Berlinale 2023 – Competition


DE 2023, 103 Min., deut­sche OmeU
Regie: Christian Petzold
Kamera: Hans Fromm
Schnitt: Bettina Böhler
mit Thomas Schubert, Paula Beer, Langston Uibel, Enno Trebs, Matthias Brandt

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