Lacci - Was uns hält

Was uns hält

A film by Daniele Luchetti. In Italian with German subtitles.

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Naples, ear­ly 1980s: Aldo and Vanda’s mar­ria­ge finds its­elf on the rocks when Aldo falls in love with the young Lidia. Thirty years later, Aldo and Vanda are still mar­ried. A thril­ler about emo­ti­ons, a sto­ry of loyal­ty and infi­de­li­ty, of ran­cor and shame. A betra­y­al, suf­fe­ring, a secret box, a devas­ta­ted home, a cat, the voice of the lovers and that of the estranged.


IT 2020, 100 Min., ital. OmU
Regie: Daniele Luchetti
Kamera: Ivan Casalgrandi
Schnitt: Aël Dallier Vega · Daniele Luchetti
mit Alba Rohrwacher, Luigi Lo Cascio, Laura Morante, Silvio Orlando, Giovanna Mezzogiorno

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