
A Monja Art Film.

Somewhere in Lower Austria; the school term is dra­wing to a clo­se and the sum­mer holi­days are not far off. Boarding school pupil Paula, seven­teen, is secret­ly in love with her girl­fri­end Charlotte. But Charlotte’s going out with Michael. Lovelorn, Paula deci­des to try and take her mind of things by get­ting invol­ved with school­ma­te Tim, who­se fee­lings for her are at least genui­ne. Paula has no idea how often Charlotte thinks of her. And then there’s Lilli, who is just dying for someone to fan­cy her and tri­es to play the wild seduc­tress. Paula must deci­de if she wants to fol­low her own fee­lings or yield to other people’s.
Lanzenkirchen, mon amour: in her debut as a direc­tor Monja Art por­trays teenage life and love in the sticks as a rol­ler coas­ter ride of the emo­ti­ons in a coll­ec­tion of amo­rous mini-dra­mas. Caught bet­ween dull days at school and dis­so­lu­te nights at the vil­la­ge dis­co, Paula and her fri­ends are like any nor­mal teen­agers: won­derful­ly know-it-all time bombs ticking away on the brink of adult­hood, by which time they may just about have their heads on straight. But for now their grea­test fear is having to stick around in this dump of a back­wa­ter. Outside, the strains of a brass band can be heard, a com­bi­ne har­ves­ter does its rounds and, if you’re lucky, a bus might come.

Ö 2017, 104 Min.
Regie, Buch: Monja Art
Kamera: Caroline Bobek
Schnitt: Monja Art, Claudia Linzer
Darsteller: Elisabeth Wabitsch, Anaelle Dézsy, Alexandra Schmidt, Alexander Wychodil,
Christopher Schärf u. a.