War and Justice – mit Gast

A film by Marcus Vetter and Michele Gentile. In English with German subtitles.

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War and Justice is the first and only true-life docu­men­ta­ry about the International Criminal Court (ICC), thanks to unpre­ce­den­ted access to Ben Ferencz, Luis Moreno Ocampo (ICC’s first pro­se­cu­tor), and Karim Khan (its cur­rent pro­se­cu­tor). Film direc­tors Marcus Vetter and Michele Gentile fol­low Ocampo around the world as he enlists the sup­port of Academy Award-win­ning Angelina Jolie and as they join Ferencz in the uphill batt­le against wars in the Congo, Libya, Palestine, and Ukraine. In the cour­se of the film, the com­ple­xi­ties of inter­na­tio­nal law are given a face, and the view­er under­stands why tho­se who launch wars of aggres­si­on, the mother of all war cri­mes, can hard­ly be brought to jus­ti­ce while the world’s lar­gest mili­ta­ry powers — China, India, Russia, and the United States — remain unwil­ling to reco­gni­ze the ICC’s jurisdiction.Sadly, just as the film is about to debut, Ferencz dies at the age of 103. But Ocampo and Khan fight on in his honor, more deter­mi­ned than ever to put an end to all wars of aggres­si­on. Because war begets reven­ge; jus­ti­ce does not.


DE 2023 96 Min., engl. OmU
Regie +Schnitt: Marcus Vetter und Michele Gentile

Kamera: Christian Haardt, Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile

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