
Geranien – mit Gast

A film by Tanja Egen. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Actor Nina tra­vels to her home town in Germany’s Ruhr regi­on for her grandmother’s fun­e­ral and dis­co­vers that her child­hood home has remain­ed vir­tual­ly unch­an­ged. The cana­ry still chirps in the living room, her mother still sits in the kit­chen pit­ting kilos of plums from the gar­den, and her father still occa­sio­nal­ly indul­ges in a whis­ky from the “bot­tom shelf next to the diges­tif glas­ses”. But when the date for the fun­e­ral is post­po­ned, ten­si­ons fla­re up again bet­ween the prag­ma­tic mother and her cos­mo­po­li­tan daugh­ter who now lives in a lar­ge European city and con­siders the offer of a role in German TV soap Traumschiff (Dreamboat) to be beneath her. And kind­ly old grand­ma is no lon­ger the­re to cushion such con­flicts.
Directed with gent­le humour, DFFB gra­dua­te Tanja Egen’s per­cep­ti­ve fea­ture debut is much more than just a tale of such clas­sic fami­ly pro­blems as repres­sed emo­ti­ons, things that remain uns­po­ken and a gro­wing sen­se of distance. Rich in detail, Geranien is an affec­tion­a­te obser­va­ti­on of the com­plex rela­ti­onships that exist bet­ween daugh­ters and mothers – no mat­ter how old a daugh­ter and a mother may be. Loss, it seems, is a uni­ver­sal feeling.


DE 2023, 83 Min., Deutsch OmeU
Regie: Tanja Egen
Kamera: Claudia Schröder
Schnitt: Nicolas Dusollier
mit Friederike Becht, Marion Ottschick, Peer Martiny, Jasmina Musić, Stefanie Meier, Aleksandra Ćorović, Adi Hrustemović, Oliver Möller, Bruno Kirchhof

„On Mothers and Daughters” (Geranien) | Trailer | Berlinale 2023
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