Ein Traum von Revolution

A film by Petra Hoffmann. Film with QnA on Tuesday April 23rd 17:30 in Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

On July 19, 1979, the Sandinista People’s Revolution in Nicaragua over­th­rew the bru­tal dic­ta­tor Somoza and made the world dream.

The con­s­truc­tion of a new, more social and just socie­ty “bet­ween the blocks” see­med pos­si­ble. Tens of thou­sands from all over the world tra­vel to the small Central American coun­try to sup­port the young govern­ment and rebuild the plun­de­red country.

From what was then West Germany alo­ne, over 15,000 sup­port­ers made their way to the small Central American coun­try. In inter­na­tio­nal bri­ga­des, they har­ve­s­ted cof­fee and cot­ton, built schools, kin­der­gar­tens and health cen­ters to rebuild the maltrea­ted coun­try. The purcha­se of “Nica cof­fee” beco­mes a sym­bol of inter­na­tio­nal soli­da­ri­ty with the country.

The Contra, which is sup­port­ed by Somoza sup­port­ers and the USA, attempts to over­throw the revo­lu­ti­on and res­to­re the old balan­ce of power.

The civil war cos­ts the lives of 50,000 Nicarguans and German “recon­s­truc­tion hel­pers” are also kid­nap­ped and kil­led by the Contra in the 1980s.

And then the unbe­lie­va­ble hap­pens: in April 2018, stu­dents pro­tes­ted against the for­mer revo­lu­tio­na­ry hero and cur­rent pre­si­dent Daniel Ortega. Over 400 peo­p­le were shot dead by para­mi­li­ta­ries. The coun­try sinks into a blood­bath. Ortega’s inter­na­tio­nal sup­port­ers are also incre­asing­ly being tar­ge­ted. They have been coll­ec­ting money for pro­jects in Nicaragua for 45 years. Today, they fear for their lives and are fle­e­ing the coun­try. Those who remain no lon­ger dare to rai­se their voices against the for­mer revo­lu­tio­na­ry hero.


DE 2024, 95 Min., spa­ni­sche OmeU
Regie & Schnitt: Petra Hoffmann
Kamera: Börres Weiffenbach, Patrick Waldmann
Schnitt: Rafael Maier, BFS

Ein Traum von Revolution (Teaser HD)
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