Dark Blood

A film by George Sluizer.  In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Boy, a young widower with nati­ve American roots, lives in a desert in the USA con­ta­mi­na­ted by nuclear tests. In this deso­la­te place, sur­roun­ded by kat­chi­na dolls which the indi­ge­nous popu­la­ti­on belie­ves pos­sess magi­cal powers, he awaits the end of the world. His refu­ge is sud­den­ly inva­ded by Harry and Buffy, a cou­ple second honey­moo­ning in an attempt to save their mar­ria­ge. When their Bentley breaks down in the midd­le of nowhe­re, Boy offers to help. But then, hoping to cross over into a bet­ter world with Buffy, he starts trea­ting them like pri­soners. When Dark Blood’s lea­ding actor River Phoenix died sud­den­ly ten days befo­re the end of the shoot in 1993, the film’s insu­rance com­pa­ny beca­me the owner of the unfi­nis­hed mate­ri­al. Years later, direc­tor George Sluizer mana­ged to save his foo­ta­ge from being des­troy­ed. In January 2012 he deci­ded to finish the film by rea­ding aloud off-screen the miss­ing sce­nes from the screen­play. The resul­ting work is an exis­ten­tia­list lat­ter-day Western which deri­ves much of its evo­ca­ti­ve power from the pre­sence of its lea­ding man, who was hims­elf tee­te­ring on the brink of death.


Nl 2012, 86 Min., engl. OmU 
Regie: George Sluizer 
Kamera: Edward Lachman
Schnitt: Michiel Reichwein 
mit: River Phoenix Judy Davis Jonathan Pryce Karen Black

DARK BLOOD – (Trailer) | missingFILMs | Kinostart: 13.07.2017