comming soon:

Die Familie mit dem umgekehrten Düsenantrieb Die Familie mit dem umge­kehr­ten Düsenantrieb
A film by Sogo Ishi. Starts August 15th at the fsk. In Japanese with German sub­tit­les. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] The Kobayashi fami­ly final­ly are able to move out of…

Gagarin – Einmal schwerelos und zurück Gagarin – Einmal schwe­re­los und zurück
A film by Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh. Starts August 15th at the fsk. In French with German sub­tit­les. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] Gagarin erzählt die Geschichte von Youri (Alseni…

Goodbye Julia Goodbye Julia
A film by Mohamed Kordofani . Starts August 15th at the fsk. In Arabic with German sub­tit­les. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] Wracked by guilt after cove­ring up a mur­der, Mona…

Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr? Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr?
A film by Pawo Choyning Dorji. In Dzongkha and English with German sub­tit­les. [Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer] Kingdom of Bhutan, 2006. Modernization has final­ly arri­ved. Bhutan beco­mes the last country…