Reas + panel talk in cooperation with Spinnboden Lesbian archive

Reas” (2024, 90 Min.) am 26.1.2025, 15:00 Uhr, with English subtitles. 


Filmscreening „Reas” + panel talk in coope­ra­ti­on with Spinnboden Lesbian archive

After the film the­re will be a panel dis­cus­sion about the film (guest tba).

Reas” is an extra­or­di­na­ry docu­men­ta­ry and musi­cal by Lola Arias set in a women’s pri­son in Argentina. Yoseli has a tat­too of the Eiffel Tower on her back and has always wan­ted to tra­vel to Europe, but she was arres­ted at the air­port for drug traf­fi­cking. Nacho is a trans­man who was arres­ted for swind­ling and star­ted a rock band in jail. Gentle or rough, blon­de or shaved, cis or trans, long-term inma­tes or new­ly admit­ted: in this hybrid musi­cal, they all re-enact their lives in a Buenos Aires prison.

Reas” is a coll­ec­ti­ve work that reinvents the musi­cal gen­re: the per­for­mers dance and sing about their past in pri­son, reli­ve their life as fic­tion, and invent, through fan­ta­sy and ima­gi­na­ti­on, a pos­si­ble future for themselves.