
Rather Be Ashes Than Dust


What are the chal­lenges jour­na­lists face when cove­ring incre­asing­ly chal­len­ging glo­bal cri­sis of war, civil dis­o­be­dience, fami­ne and hun­ger? Witnessing acts of govern­ment crack­down and inju­s­ti­ce, should they remain objec­ti­ve? What are their choices when the govern­ment turns against them? 

Rather be Ashes than Dust” is a first per­son docu­men­ta­ry chro­nicling a journalist-filmmaker’s strugg­le with his con­sci­ence while wit­nessing inten­se poli­ce bru­ta­li­ty against pro­tes­ters during the 2019 move­ment in Hong Kong. In 2020, a year into the pro­test move­ment, China impo­sed the National Security Law on Hong Kong, taking away its judi­cial inde­pen­dence and the many free­doms pro­mi­sed by the Joint Declaration, inclu­ding the free­dom of expres­si­on. Many jour­na­lists had to deci­de: do I shut up, go to pri­son, or lea­ve? Using the Hong Kong pro­test move­ment in 2019 as a back­drop, this film will fol­low a video journalist’s four-years jour­ney to find the ans­wers to the­se questions.

Regisseur: Alan Lau
Länder: Kanada, Hongkong, Vereinigtes Königreich
Jahr: 2023
Länge: 114 Minuten
Sprachen: Kantonesisch & Englisch,Untertitel auf Englisch / Cantonese & English with English sub­tit­les
Verleih/Distributer: Ratherbeashesthandust Limited
Genre: Documentation
Ticketpreis: 10€

Doc Edge Festival 2024: Rather Be Ashes Than Dust Trailer