Parallele Mütter

a Film by Pedro Almodóvar. In Spanish with German subtitles.

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Two women coin­ci­de in a hos­pi­tal room whe­re they are going to give birth. Both are sin­gle and beca­me pregnant by acci­dent. Janis, midd­le-aged, doesn’t reg­ret it and is exul­tant. The other, Ana, an ado­le­s­cent, is scared, rep­en­tant and trau­ma­tis­ed. Janis tri­es to encou­ra­ge her while they move like sleep­wal­kers along the hos­pi­tal cor­ri­dors. The few words they exch­an­ge in tho­se hours will crea­te a very clo­se link bet­ween the two, which by chan­ce deve­lo­ps and beco­mes com­pli­ca­ted, chan­ging their lives in a decisi­ve way.


Madres parale­las
Spanien 2021, 126 min., span. OmU
Regie und Buch: Pedro Almodóvar
Kamera: José Luis Alcaine
Schnitt: Teresa Font
mit: Penélope Cruz, Milena Smit, Rossy de Palma, Israel Elejalde, Aitana Sánchez Gijón, Julietta Serrano, Daniela Santiago

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