No Other Land

A film by Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor. Starts November 7th at the fsk. In Arabic, Hebrew and English with German subtitles. 

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Basel Adra, a young Palestinian acti­vist from Masafer Yatta on the West Bank, has been fight­ing the mass expul­si­on of his com­mu­ni­ty by Israel’s occu­pa­ti­on sin­ce child­hood. He docu­ments the slow-moti­on era­di­ca­ti­on of the vil­la­ges in his home regi­on whe­re sol­diers deploy­ed by the Israeli govern­ment are gra­du­al­ly demo­li­shing hou­ses and dri­ving out their resi­dents. At some point, he meets Yuval, an Israeli jour­na­list, who sup­ports him in his efforts. An unli­kely alli­ance deve­lo­ps. But the rela­ti­onship bet­ween the two is strai­ned by the enorm­ous ine­qua­li­ty bet­ween them: Basel lives under mili­ta­ry occu­pa­ti­on while Yuval lives free­ly and wit­hout rest­ric­tions.
This film by a Palestinian-Israeli coll­ec­ti­ve of four young acti­vists has been made as an act of crea­ti­ve resis­tance on the path to grea­ter justice.


PS/NO 2024, 95 Min., Arabisch, Hebräisch, Englisch OmU
Regie & Schnitt: Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor

Kamera: Rachel Szor 

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