

A film by Eva Trobisch. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Ivo works as a pal­lia­ti­ve home-care nur­se. Every day, she visits fami­lies, cou­ples and sin­gle peo­p­le. They live in small flats and lar­ge hou­ses. They all have dif­fe­rent lives and deaths. They all have dif­fe­rent ways of deal­ing with the time that remains. At home, Ivo’s teenage daugh­ter has long sin­ce beco­me inde­pen­dent. From mor­ning to night, Ivo dri­ves around in her old Skoda which she has made into her per­so­nal living space. Here, she eats her meals, works, sings, swears and dreams. One of her pati­ents, Solveigh, has beco­me a clo­se fri­end. Ivo has also for­med a rela­ti­onship with Solveigh’s hus­band, Franz. Day after day, the two work tog­e­ther to care for Solveigh. And they sleep with each other. Solveigh’s strength is dimi­nis­hing and she soon has to rely on sup­port for the simp­lest tasks. She wants the final decis­i­on to be her own: she wants Ivo to help her die.


DE 2024, 104 Min., deut­sche OmeU
Regie: Eva Trobisch
Kamera: Adrian Campean
Schnitt: Laura Lauzemis
mit Minna Wündrich, Pia Hierzegger, Lukas Turtur

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