Johatsu - Die sich in Luft auflösen

Johatsu – Die sich in Luft auflösen

A film by Andreas Hartmann, Arata Mori. In Japanese with German subtitles.

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Japanese night moving com­pa­nies spe­cia­li­se in the art of dis­ap­pearance and help tho­se who need or want to lea­ve their for­mer lives behind. On their night­ly mis­si­ons they dis­crete­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly orchest­ra­te people’s tran­si­ti­on to a new exis­tence. In the pro­cess, they often skirt the boun­da­ries of lega­li­ty due to the diver­se moti­va­tions behind the dis­ap­pearan­ces. Eva Weinmann


DE/JP 2024, 86 Min., japan. OmU
Regie: Andreas Hartmann, Arata Mori

Kamera: Andreas Hartmann
Schnitt: Kai Eiermann (BFS)

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