
A film by Min Bahadur Bham. In Tibetian and Nepali with German and English subtitles

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In the heart of the Nepalese Himalayas, the spi­ri­ted Pema embraces a poly­and­rous mar­ria­ge with Tashi and his two youn­ger brot­hers. They initi­al­ly lead a har­mo­nious life, but when Tashi fails to return from a tra­ding trip to Lhasa, the legi­ti­ma­cy of Pema’s unborn child is ques­tio­ned by her com­mu­ni­ty. Determined to pro­ve her love and puri­ty, she embarks on a quest to find Tashi. Accompanied by her brot­her-in-law, her now de fac­to spou­se Karma, she goes into the wil­der­ness. Karma is a monk. After initi­al­ly resis­ting giving up his monastic life, he gra­du­al­ly comes to app­re­cia­te the simp­le exis­tence of a secu­lar life. However, urgent duties call him back to the monas­tery and Pema is left alo­ne. As she navi­ga­tes the harsh Himalayan ter­rain, her quest tran­s­cends the search for her miss­ing hus­band. Pema beco­mes incre­asing­ly immer­sed in a spi­ri­tu­al search for mea­ning in which every step brings her clo­ser to self-dis­co­very and liberation.


NP/FR/NO/HK/CN/TK/TW/US/QA 2024, 150 Min.,
Tibetisch, Nepali Originalfassung mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln
Regie: Min Bahadur Bham
Kamera: Aziz Zhambakiyev
Schnitt: Liao Ching Sung, Kiran Shrestha
mit: Thinley Lhamo, Sonam Topden, Tenzin Dalha, Karma Wangyal Gurung, Karma Shakya, Loten Namling, Tsering Lhamo Gurung, Janga Bahadur Lama 

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