Gagarin – Einmal schwerelos und zurück

Gagarin – Einmal schwerelos und zurück

A film by Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Between tower block and orbit: the sto­ry of a young fan of space tra­vel from the ban­lieue is an expe­di­ti­on into the power of the ima­gi­na­ti­on – poe­tic, playful and full of quir­ky moments. 16-year old Yuri has spent his who­le life in the Cité Gagarine, a coun­cil estate from the 1960s on the edge of Paris. Like the eponym of the estate, Yuri dreams of one day lif­ting off into space and esca­ping the drab­ness. But when plans are announ­ced to tear down the estate, he joins the resis­tance. Together with his fri­end Houssam and his neigh­bour Diana, he sets out to save Gagarine – and trans­forms his flat into a space station.


FR 2020, 95 Min., franz. OmU
Regie: Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh

Kamera: Victor Seguin
Schnitt: Daniel Darmon
mit Alseni Bathily, Lyna Khoudri, Jamil McCraven, Finnegan Oldfield, Farida Rahouadj, Denis Lavant

Gagarin – Einmal schwe­re­los und zurück TLR 24p OmU Trailer
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