
A film by Jörg Adolph, Edgar Reitz. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

In 1968, a class­room in a girls’ high school in Munich is trans­for­med into a film stu­dio under the direc­tion of the young Edgar Reitz. The film les­son beg­ins: the first docu­men­ted attempt in cine­ma histo­ry to teach film aes­the­tics as a stand-alo­ne sub­ject. In 2023, Edgar Reitz, now world-famous as the direc­tor of the film epic Heimat, is approa­ched by an elder­ly woman who iden­ti­fies hers­elf as one of his pupils from 1968. The two arran­ge a class reuni­on. Compiled from a docu­men­ta­ry made about the pro­ject at the time, the Super 8 films shot by the pupils and the film­ed reuni­on in 2023, a kind of long expo­sure of the last 55 years of film histo­ry is crea­ted. Are the per­so­na­li­ties of the pupils alre­a­dy evi­dent in the exer­cise films? And what do the women have to say now about con­tem­po­ra­ry film cul­tu­re? Filmstunde_23 is a decla­ra­ti­on of love for filmmaking.


DE 2024, 89 Min.,
Regie: Jörg Adolph, Edgar Reitz

Kamera: Matthias Reitz-Zausinger, Markus Schindler, Daniel Schönauer, Thomas Mauch (1968), Dedo Weigert (1968)
Schnitt: Jörg Adolph, Anja Pohl

FILMSTUNDE_23 – Offizieller Trailer
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