

A film by Aslı Özarslan. In German and Turkish with German and English subtitles.

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Hazal’s grea­test wish is to have a life. In spi­te of many appli­ca­ti­ons, she isn’t invi­ted to a sin­gle job inter­view. Instead, she is stuck in a Job Centre trai­ning pro­gram that fails to open up any new oppor­tu­ni­ties for her. But on her 18th bir­th­day, Hazal feels powerful. It is like the old days when she and her fri­ends belie­ved they could achie­ve any­thing as long as they stuck tog­e­ther. It’s only when they’re queu­e­ing to get into a hip club that Hazal feels they don’t belong the­re. And she’s right. The boun­cer refu­ses to let them in. On their way home, they’re ver­bal­ly abu­sed by an arro­gant stu­dent. The situa­ti­on escala­tes, Hazal’s frus­tra­ti­on about all the rejec­tions erupts into a fatal act. Hazal flees head­long to Istanbul, a stran­ge city in a coun­try unknown to her. There, she has to sur­vi­ve on her own, no mat­ter what the cost.
Ellbogen tells the sto­ry of a young woman who is pushed out of socie­ty and has to reset the cour­se of her life. We want to run through the night with her; we want to know what hap­pens next – for her, and for us all.


DE/TK/FR 2024, 86 Min., Originalfassung mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln
Regie: Aslı Özarslan

Kamera: Andac Karabeyoglu-Thomas
Schnitt: David J. Achilles, Ana Branea
mit: Melia Kara, Doğa Gürer, Jale Arıkan, Haydar Şahin, Orhan Kiliç, Jamilah Bagdach, Asya Utku, Mina Sağdıç 

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