Die Unerwünschten

Die Unerwünschten

A film by Ladj Ly. Starts March 6th at the fsk. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

When the mayor of a Paris sub­urb dies, Pierre, a doc­tor, agrees to fill the posi­ti­on. He intends to con­ti­nue the xeno­pho­bic poli­ci­es of his pre­de­ces­sor, who aimed to rede­ve­lop the­se pover­ty-stri­cken immi­grant neigh­bor­hoods. But Haby, an acti­vist resi­dent of immi­grant heri­ta­ge, refu­ses to be dri­ven out and mounts an escala­ting batt­le for the office.


Bâtiment 5 / Les Indésirables
FR 2023, 106 Min., frz. OmU
Ladj Ly
Kamera: Julien Poupard
Schnitt: Flora Volpelière
mit: Anta Diaw, Alexis Manenti, Aristote Luyindula, Steve Tientcheu, Aurélia Petit

BÂTIMENT 5 (Official Trailer, OV/d)
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