Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat

A film by Johan Grimonprez. Farts February 6th at the fsk. In French and English with German subtitles

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Artist Johan Grimonprez’s new film essay stems from detail­ed rese­arch about some of the machi­na­ti­ons the Western colo­ni­al powers, such as his nati­ve Belgium or the US, came up with to under­mi­ne the African deco­lo­niza­ti­on move­ment. It spe­ci­fi­cal­ly reex­ami­nes the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then Zaire) and its strugg­le for inde­pen­dence in the con­text of the CIA’s histo­ry of arts patro­na­ge, tel­ling how the US Foreign Intelligence agen­cy sent Louis Armstrong as a jazz ambassa­dor to dis­tract from their invol­vement in the ass­as­si­na­ti­on of new­ly elec­ted Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. Nina Simone was sent on a simi­lar tour of Nigeria by a CIA front orga­niza­ti­on, yet other jazz gre­ats got invol­ved less unwit­tingly. Dizzy Gillespie brief­ly ran for pre­si­dent in 1964 and pro­mi­sed that the White House would be ren­a­med the Blues House, while Abbey Lincoln and Max Roach cra­s­hed the UN Security Council to pro­test Lumumba’s ass­as­si­na­ti­on. Both a his­to­ri­cal pam­phlet and a swin­ging musi­cal com­po­si­ti­on, SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D’ETAT unfolds like a record’s exten­si­ve slee­ve notes, as the jazz sounds pro­pel and car­ry along facts, figu­res and foot­no­tes of major and minor his­to­ries with them at diz­zy­ing speed. (Antoine Thirion)


BE/FR/NL 2024, 150 Min., engl., frz. OmU, 

Regie: Johan Grimonprez, 

mit: Patrice Lumumba, Louis Armstrong, Andrée Blouin, Nina Simone, Nikita Krutschev, Eisenhower, Fidel Castro, Duke Elligton

Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat – Official Trailer
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