

A film by Kurdwin Ayub. Starts March 27th at the fsk. In German, Arabic and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Kurdwin Ayub elec­trified with her wide­ly-lau­ded fea­ture debut SONNE (2022), depic­ting a Muslim girl’s expe­ri­en­ces gro­wing up in Vienna. She flips the per­spec­ti­ve in MOND, fol­lo­wing an Austrian woman on a work trip to Jordan. In an inspi­red cas­ting choice, cho­reo­grapher and per­for­mance artist Florentina Holzinger plays Sarah, a reti­red mixed mar­ti­al arts figh­ter hired as a per­so­nal trai­ner by a wealt­hy fami­ly in Amman. What initi­al­ly appears like a dream job—swanky hotel, pri­va­te driver—quickly turns troubling. The teenage sis­ters she is sup­po­sed to train show no inte­rest in the sport. Their pala­ti­al home is always deser­ted, apart from the clea­ning staff and seve­ral body­guards, who pat­rol the house as if it were a pri­son. The girls aren’t allo­wed to access the WiFi net­work and seem shut off from the out­side world. When Sarah enqui­res about the iden­ti­ty of her employ­ers at the hotel bar and men­ti­ons their fami­ly name, the pre­vious­ly fri­end­ly bar­man abrupt­ly ends the con­ver­sa­ti­on. While kee­ping the sto­ry in a rea­list regis­ter, Ayub bor­rows tro­pes from the thril­ler and hor­ror gen­res to gene­ra­te moun­ting sus­pen­se and upend the arche­ty­pe of the white saviour, thus for­cing view­ers to con­front their own pre­con­cep­ti­ons. (Giovanni Marchini Camia)


AU 2024, 93 Min, deutsch/arabisch/englische OmU
Regie: Kurdwin Ayub
Kamera: Klemens Hufnagl,
Roland Stöttinger,
mit: Florentina Holzinger, Andria Tayeh, Celina Antwan, Nagham Abu Baker, u.a.

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