Tracing Light – Die Magie des Lichts

A film by Thomas Riedelsheimer. In English and German with German and English subtitles.

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Light is a fasci­na­ting phe­no­me­non. Without light, the­re would be no cine­ma, no film – and no life. So light is at the ori­gin of ever­y­thing, and yet it remains invi­si­ble to the eye until it hits mat­ter. This moment is – quite lite­ral­ly – the start­ing point of Thomas Riedelsheimer’s latest work, for the spring­time spec­ta­cle of rain­bow shreds in the cine­ma­to­grapher and docu­men­ta­ry filmmaker’s flat beca­me the start­ing point of a search for the ori­gin of the images we form of this world. For this quest he dived deep into two sphe­res that seem to fol­low dif­fe­rent laws but always stri­ve to fathom the magi­cal: phy­sics and art.
An intellec­tu­al and poe­tic ping pong game evol­ves bet­ween rese­ar­chers from the Max Planck Institute in Erlangen and the “Extreme Light Group” of the University of Glasgow as well as inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned artists such as Ruth Jarman, Joe Gerhardt, Julie Brook, Johannes Brunner and Raimund Ritz. In its cour­se, the various per­spec­ti­ves on light lead to new insights on all sides that would hard­ly have been achie­ved wit­hout this metho­di­cal cross-over: about laser power and colour pig­ments, about black holes and floa­ting sculp­tures. In brief moments, the unin­itia­ted may even get some idea of the laws of quan­tum phy­sics, gene­ral­ly con­side­red impos­si­ble to visualise.

Luc-Carolin Ziemann


DE/GB 2024, 99 Min., engl./dt. Originalfassung mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Thomas Riedelsheimer

Musik: Fred Frith, gab­by flu­ke-mogul

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