
A film by Tuna Kaptan. Starts September 26th at the fsk. In German, English and Albanian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The con­s­truc­tion site of a luxu­ry buil­ding pro­ject at night: The ambi­tious con­s­truc­tion mana­ger Lutz has hired ille­gal con­s­truc­tion workers to save cos­ts. But a tra­gic acci­dent occurs. The next day, a mee­ting with inves­tors is sud­den­ly dis­rupt­ed by 14-year-old Irsa, who is loo­king for her father. While Lutz sen­ses an oppor­tu­ni­ty to make his mark on a mul­ti-mil­li­on dol­lar pro­ject, Irsa’s despe­ra­ti­on keeps dri­ving her towards him. To keep her off his con­s­truc­tion site, he deci­des to take her away. On their jour­ney tog­e­ther, a bond deve­lo­ps, mark­ed by clo­sen­ess and distance, guilt and responsibility.


DE 2023, 86 Min., Deutsch, Englisch, Albanisch mit dt. UT
Regie: Tuna Kaptan
Kamera: Ben Bernhard
Schnitt: Beatrice Babin
mit: Angjela Prenci, Peter Schneider

ROHBAU | Trailer | Kinostart: 26. September 2024
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