My Stolen Planet

A film by Farahnaz Sharifi. In Farsi with German subtitles.

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My Stolen Planet is a dia­ry-style nar­ra­ti­ve by Farah, an Iranian film­ma­ker. Born during the Islamic revo­lu­ti­on in Iran in 1979, she cap­tures moments of joy and defi­ance in her dai­ly life, navi­ga­ting the con­trast bet­ween dome­stic free­dom and exter­nal oppres­si­on. Simultaneously, she coll­ects 8mm archi­ves from peo­p­le she doesn’t know. Relying on the­se recor­dings from other peo­p­le, she gains a new per­spec­ti­ve on losing memo­ries. Her con­nec­tion with Leyla, an Iranian pro­fes­sor who left Iran during the revo­lu­ti­on, adds a name and a sto­ry to one of the faces in her archi­ve. Farah’s mother, who is suf­fe­ring from Alzheimer’s, moti­va­tes her to con­ti­nue her fight against for­get­ting. In the autumn of 2022, the Women, Life, Freedom upri­sing beco­mes a tur­ning point in Farah’s life, as well as in the lives of many others in Iran. This is a home­ma­de history.


Sayyareye doz­di­de sho­deye man
DE/IR 2024, 82 Min., far­si OmU
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Farahnaz Sharifi 

MY STOLEN PLANET – Offizieller Trailer Deutsch (2024)
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