Mutiny in Heaven – mit Gast

A film by Ian White. In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Formed in Melbourne, Australia in the late 1970s The Birthday Party were one of the most influ­en­ti­al acts of their time. From hum­ble begin­nings in sub­ur­ban Melbourne they grew to com­mand a level of respect around the world which remains undi­mi­nis­hed to this day. Fuelled by the incen­dia­ry rela­ti­onship bet­ween voca­list Nick Cave and gui­ta­rist Rowland S. Howard, The Birthday Party were fre­quent­ly descri­bed as the most dan­ge­rous band in the world.

Nick Cave – Vocals

Phill Calvert – Drums

Mick Harvey – Guitar, Drums

Rowland S. Howard – Guitar

Tracy Pew – Bass

Having emer­ged from the ashes of Cave and Harvey’s first punk-pop band, The Boys Next Door and mor­phed into The Birthday Party, they quick­ly rose to beco­me one of the most lau­ded post-punk bands in the coun­try. Motivated, ambi­tious and riding high on their suc­cess, the group deci­ded to relo­ca­te to London – whe­re a total­ly dif­fe­rent rea­li­ty awai­ted them. Scorned by the British music press and unable to obtain more than a handful of gigs, the band’s for­tu­nes col­lap­sed as they fro­ze and star­ved in a series of ever more squ­al­id bed­sits and squats.


AU 2023, 99 Min, engl. OmU
Regie: Ian White
Kamera: Craig Johnston
Schnitt: Aaron J. March
mit: Phil Calvert, Nick Cave, Mick Harvey, Rowland S. Howard, Tracy Pew

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