Jenseits von Schuld – mit Gast

A film by Katharina Köster & Katrin Nemec. On September 22nd at the fsk. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The media call their son the “pati­ent kil­ler.” He was given a life sen­tence for his num­e­rous cri­mes. Life goes on for his par­ents Ulla and Didi Högel but not­hing is the same as befo­re. They must accept the bit­ter truth, figu­re out how to cope with ever­y­day life and repo­si­ti­on them­sel­ves in rela­ti­on to their child. A com­pel­ling, pre­cis­e­ly obser­ved film about paren­thood and love. (Ysabel Fantou, DOK.fest Munich)


DE 2024, 81 Min.
Regie: Katharina Köster & Katrin Nemec
Kamera: Tobias Tempel
Schnitt: Miriam Märk

JENSEITS VON SCHULD – Offizieller Trailer
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