Henry Fonda for President

A film by Alexander Horwath. Starts January 30th at the fsk. In English and German with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

In 1980, two bio­gra­phies cross paths in a Paris cine­ma: tho­se of young cine­ma-goer Alexander Horwath and the actor Henry Fonda. Horwath reco­g­nis­ed ear­ly on that the popu­lar view of Fonda as a “typi­cal American” and the “con­sci­ence of the USA” in his acting roles doesn’t paint the full pic­tu­re. It is the more con­vo­lu­ted paths of Fonda’s bio­gra­phy and how he play­ed roles and embo­di­ed atti­tu­des exten­ding bey­ond indi­vi­du­al cha­rac­ters that tru­ly inte­rest Horwath. Thrillingly edi­ted with Michael Palm, his essay film fol­lows them across the histo­ry of film into an ima­gi­na­ry repu­blic of places, times, cha­rac­ters: “The United States of Fonda”. Fonda beco­mes the link bet­ween an old and a new America, the thoughtful face of the alle­ged tran­si­ti­on from the law of the jungle to civi­li­sa­ti­on as well as a cri­tic of an American self-image that only ser­ves its­elf. Paradoxically, it’s the magic of cine­ma invo­ked in the film that con­tri­bu­tes to this (self-)disenchantment of America via its own spe­ci­fic tech­ni­ques and the help of one of its grea­test magi­ci­ans. And in doing so crea­tes a won­derful­ly com­plex cine­ma­tic memo­ri­al to both the USA and sto­rytel­ler and actor Fonda – the pre­si­dent that never was.


AU/DE 2024, 184 Min., engl./dt. OmU
Regie: Alexander Horwath
Kamera & Schnitt: Michael Palm

Henry Fonda for President (2024) | Trailer | Regie: Alexander Horwath

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