
A film by Ruth Beckermann. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Beid, Hafsa, Melissa, Manessa, Mohammad… 25 child­ren and their dedi­ca­ted tea­cher. We wan­ted to find out who they are and beco­me fami­li­ar with their skills and stra­te­gies, their joys, fears and hard­ships,” says direc­tor Ruth Beckermann. More than 60 per­cent of all child­ren in Viennese pri­ma­ry schools do not speak German as their first lan­guage. At the same time, the­re is an acu­te shorta­ge of tea­chers and super­vi­sors. Such adver­se con­di­ti­ons are the start­ing point of Ruth Beckermann’s docu­men­ta­ry Favoriten, for which the Austrian film­ma­ker of The Waldheim Waltz and Mutzenbacher fol­lo­wed a Viennese pri­ma­ry school class for three years. The result is an asto­nis­hin­gly cheerful por­trait of an unu­su­al com­mu­ni­ty. A film about tea­ching and lear­ning and the often very sur­pri­sing expe­ri­en­ces some­whe­re in between.


AT 2024, 118 Min.
Regie: Ruth Beckermann

Kamera: Johannes Hammel
Schnitt: Dieter Pichler

Favoriten (offi­zi­el­ler Trailer) – Ein Film von Ruth Beckermann
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