A film by Marie-Lou Sellem. In German.
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An enthralling documentary about female art in a patriarchal arts scene. Five drama students haven’t seen each other in 36 years. Now reunited, these women share their stories. What experiences have they had? What have they accomplished? What would they rather not have done? Including young female students in their conversation makes this a contemplative cross-generational work.
DE 2024, 108 Min.,
Regie: Marie-Lou Sellem
Kamera: Jens Harant
Schnitt: Sonja Baeger
mit: Karoline Eichhorn, Cornelia Felden, Jacqueline Kornmüller, Katharina
Linder Kerstin Weiss, Linette Arndt, Lena-Sophie Baer, Sarah
Flechtker, Paula Julie Pitsch, Anna-Tabea Stockbrügger, Salome Zehnder
Sophie Wolf, Asimina Sideris, Hannah Weiss
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