Die Schule der Frauen – mit Gast

A film by Marie-Lou Sellem. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

An enthr­al­ling docu­men­ta­ry about fema­le art in a patri­ar­chal arts sce­ne. Five dra­ma stu­dents haven’t seen each other in 36 years. Now reu­ni­ted, the­se women share their sto­ries. What expe­ri­en­ces have they had? What have they accom­plished? What would they rather not have done? Including young fema­le stu­dents in their con­ver­sa­ti­on makes this a con­tem­pla­ti­ve cross-gene­ra­tio­nal work.


DE 2024, 108 Min.,
Regie: Marie-Lou Sellem

Kamera: Jens Harant
Schnitt: Sonja Baeger
mit: Karoline Eichhorn, Cornelia Felden, Jacqueline Kornmüller, Katharina
Linder Kerstin Weiss, Linette Arndt, Lena-Sophie Baer, Sarah
Flechtker, Paula Julie Pitsch, Anna-Tabea Stockbrügger, Salome Zehnder
Sophie Wolf, Asimina Sideris, Hannah Weiss

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