
Die Kinder aus Korntal – mit Gast

A film by Julia Charakter. Starts September 26th at the fsk. In German.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

In Korntal, a small town of 9,000 souls in Baden-Württemberg, hundreds of child­ren were abu­sed in the homes of the Evangelical Brethren sin­ce the 1950s. Forced labour, phy­si­cal punish­ment and sexua­li­sed vio­lence were the order of the day. To date, more than 150 for­mer child­ren have bro­ken their silence, more than 80 per­pe­tra­tors have been iden­ti­fied. Because the lat­ter cover­ed for each other and the neigh­bours loo­ked away, the child­ren were defen­ce­l­ess against the abu­se for deca­des. When the scan­dal was expo­sed in 2013, the com­mu­ni­ty and the vil­la­ge were hosti­le at first: That which must not be can­not be. It was only when the pres­su­re from the out­side grew that the com­mu­ni­ty initia­ted a pro­cess of deal­ing with the scan­dal. But it is con­tro­ver­si­al: vic­tims are re-trau­ma­tis­ed, their state­ments doub­ted. To this day the child­ren from Korntal are fight­ing for inves­ti­ga­ti­on and compensation.

The film focu­ses on the vic­tims and avo­ids all dra­ma­tis­a­ti­on. What hap­pen­ed was dra­ma­tic enough, after all. When tes­ti­mo­nies are only play­ed as audio-recor­dings to pro­tect the spea­k­ers, a simp­le ani­ma­ti­on fills the visu­al gaps. When tho­se respon­si­ble today speak, the came­ra stays res­trai­ned and does not judge. That is not neces­sa­ry any­way, becau­se the incon­ceiva­ble rela­ti­vi­sa­ti­on of the cri­mes speaks loud­ly enough – in Korntal as else­whe­re.
Luc-Carolin Ziemann


DE 2023, 90 Min.,
Regie: Julia Charakter

Kamera: Jonas Eckert
Schnitt: Jonas Eckert, Julia Charakter

DIE KINDER AUS KORNTAL Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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